Alexander Burkhart

Most games for: TSV Aindling Unknown since: -
Alexander Burkhart
  • Date of birth/Age: Jan 11, 1979 (45)
  • Citizenship: Germany Germany
  • Position: Goalkeeper
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Total penalties saved - 2

This page provides an overview of all penalties a goalkeeper has faced over the course of their career and how many they were able to save. You can also view the match in which the penalty was awarded, when the referee awarded it and who took it.
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SeasonCompetitionClubDatewappenFinal resultwappenPenalty taker
98/99TSV AindlingMar 20, 1999FC Starnberg
98/99TSV AindlingAug 29, 1998FC Bayern Hof

Total non-saved penalties - 8

This page provides an overview of all penalties a goalkeeper has faced over the course of their career and how many they were able to save. You can also view the match in which the penalty was awarded, when the referee awarded it and who took it.
Filter by season:
Filter by competition:
SeasonCompetitionClubDatewappenFinal resultwappenPenalty taker
00/01TSV AindlingAug 22, 2000TSV Aindling
99/00TSV AindlingMay 13, 2000FC Memmingen
99/00TSV AindlingMay 7, 2000TSV Aindling
99/00TSV AindlingApr 9, 2000TSV Aindling
99/00TSV AindlingOct 22, 1999TSV Aindling
98/99TSV AindlingMar 7, 1999Schwaben Augsburg
98/99TSV AindlingOct 3, 1998SpVgg SV Weiden
98/99TSV AindlingSep 19, 1998SG Quelle Fürth